Wednesday, 17 July 2013


If you are single and above 25 years of age and not yet married, you might be in trouble and not even realize it yet! Why? Okay, let's go there.
Have you not noticed the looks of your age mates who have tied the nuptial knots when you stroll into their midst? Or have you failed to understand the innuendoes that belie your parents, pastors and other 'concerned' older wellwishers' statements when they hold you down in a conversation about settling down and the accompanying 'favour' obtained from the Lord? If so, you must be a learner or worse still, a diehard, unrepentant bachelor/spinster.
Never mind the fact that you may be pursuing a life's goal or ambition that may require your full concentration to achieve, or that you may not have met the one person that fits into your life's plans, or the growing incidences of divorce within 2 years or less of marriage amongst newly weds, or the real cost (emotional, financial, even environmental) of getting married.....if you are not married, especially once you have crossed 25 years, you are not worth sitting on the table of 'responsible' men and women!
It is either you are promiscuous or short sighted about your future or that you are ignorant about the 'purpose' for which you are created.
Take it from me, on that table for  'responsible' men and women, you-the single man or woman, are ranked far below a a divorcee, a wife batterer, an unfaithful wife, a polygamist and even a single parent- at least they have proof of being 'fruitful'!
So whilst you are still fooling around pursuing that additional degree, or making a go at your career, or devoting your energies to building a business that you hope will put your future family above the $1- a-day survivalist packs, remember this, all your achievements don't mean jack at teh end of the day if you are not married...even if your marriage lasts for a day!


  1. Thou shall not push me out of this 'bacheloric waters' even if it is for a day! Abeg mammy water carry me go e!

  2. being ready for marriage is more than just being old enuff truth is...readiness lies in age, maturity of the mind, finances and the ability to condone the inevitable differences that will eventually crop up and most of all a forgiving heart.
