Saturday, 15 June 2013


My neighbor, Fred is a woman wrapper! It is as simple as that.
Or how else will you describe a guy whose only friends are women? For over a year since he moved into the self contained room beside mine, I have never seen any guy visit him, only girls...or should I say, ladies!
I should have known what to expect when I first set eyes on the effeminate man as he moved his things in. I should have known when he preferred taking soft drinks rather than lager beer the few times I invited him to accompany me for a sit out at the hang out down the road. I should have known when on several occasions that he hosted an array of fine girls at his crib and I had asked for a hook up, he tactfully frustrated my moves with false hopes that he would 'try' to talk to the girls in question.
O! I should have known better when a few times when the girls slept over at his place and I had hailed him on his stamina to perform, he had turned cold and told me that he wasn't that kind of guy who slept with everything in skirt. No, he wasn't sleeping with any of the ladies. They were just his
Well, I didn't know all that while, and perhaps I didn't care.
But right now I think I need to address this sissy of a man. Why? Because a new tenant just moved in 2 days ago. And what a beauty she is!
I had spotted her the very day she arrived my neighborhood with her truckload of household stuff. I had stayed in the safety of my room to watch as she instructed the loaders on how to move her things.
Well, Fred didn't. The punk had to go over to offer assistance and right now as I speak they have become friends.
This saturday morning, I have seen her go over to Fred's apartment with a couple of DVDs to spend sometime with the dude.
Now all hope of getting home delivery service is out of the question.
Just my luck to have a woman wrapper as a neighbor! Damn!!

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